Friday, September 23, 2011


We begin a weekend that has become a family tradition, in Harbor Country, Michigan. We have been coming up for at least 7 or 8 years. The last three years we have rented the same house, and by now, it feels like coming "home" to our home away from home. We got a later start than we planned, with busy life commitments and things we needed to do. Packing up was a bit easier as we used Phil's van this year, which is a bit roomier than our cars. And the fun of getting on the road, knowing we'd have a good quality family time weekend was indescribable.

Kelly always plans the food and prepares - shopping, baking, cooking, planning menus of each meal. Tonight we got settled and found out our meat was left back in the fridge at home. No worries, off to Redamaks - one of Scott's favorite spots in New Buffalo, for burgers and a family dinner.

Now Phil is off to bed (having been up for more than 24 hours), and Kelly and Scott are settling the little ones for their trip to Dreamland. I'm filled with a sense of comfort, love and gratitude for these moments, for these weekends, and for the memories we'll make.

This weekend first started when Brad joined with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, to do a century bike ride to raise money for the Society, and especially in honor of my father, his Papa, who died from leukemia. Through a rain filled ride, Brad never gave up. He just kept cycling. He finished with a sense of completion, knowing he fulfilled his commitment. Another year, Kelly took a tumble when she (we assume) hit some gravel and got the worse case of road rash I've ever seen. Seeing the cracked bike helmut, though, is what was totally sobering. I had gratitude that day that although her injuries were very painful (especially for a new mom, trying to care for 7 month old Makenna Claire), they were not life threatening. I'll never forget the physician in the ER who showed me the helmut, saying, "this would have been your daughter's head if she hadn't worn a helmut". Enough said about safety, but that was a grateful moment.

Last year, instead of checking out at noon or one, we ended up on a crisp autumn day, out on the patio of the rented farm house, savoring the wine we'd bought at a local winery. Enjoying our time together, the fact that no one had to rush home, and the love we all felt.

So we continue our tradition, and add to the memories, beginning tonight. Cannot wait to cheer on Scott, Kelly, Brad and DeChantel on Sunday. Cannot wait to have a totally fun family day tomorrow. And very grateful that Phil will once again partner with me to entertain the little ones while their parents and aunt and uncle ride 100 miles on Sunday.

Here's to traditions. Stay tuned, exciting things happening all around me.

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