Wednesday, March 7, 2012


What?  How could two months have gone by without a post?  Surely cyberspace lost the 60 posts in between, the ones I thought I'd posted.  Surely they didn't NOT leap from my brain to the page?! 

This is leap year and aside from the extra day this year, there are many things different in my life.  We have had a mild winter - my ideal winter, since I live in a climate with winter.  Not much snow, not much below zero batterings on my skin, no school closings, no "stock up now" moments.  

I am feeling more liberated in my ability to say "no", a lifelong lesson for me.  Ok, I've only taken baby steps, but those are steps I haven't taken before.  I am also learning to say "ok and thank you", when people offer me help.  This has also been a lifelong struggle for me.  (Ok, you say, you struggle to say yes, and you struggle to say no........what???!!!).  The struggle is all in the timing.  With the help of my adorable and wonderful house cleaner, I am also getting more organized.  Dorota just says, "let me do it and make your life easier".  Bless her soul and her thoughtfulness and generosity of time.  Kelly continues to make my life easier in ways I never imagined.  She is always thinking of me, and there to do the little things (and big things) that make me smile and never cease to please.  Like bagging up untold amounts of "stuff" from my garbage cans and taking them to the street, like offering to pick things up from the store, like inviting me to dinner (and enduring the disruption with bedtime for the kids that ensues when Nana is over).  Scott continues to be our primo chef, turning out unbelievably healthy meals, full of bursting flavor and love, making my life oh-so-easier, because I don't have to cook on those nights.  I have learned to accept help around the house from Phil, who continuously tries to make my life easier, in the little time he has between shifts.

So leaps, yes, I've been making them and am better for it.  Now if I can make the leap to serious writer......yep, that is coming, I feel it, I know it.....Stay tuned, great things are about to happen!