Sunday, January 8, 2012


The beginning of a significant year means many things. It is the perennial blank canvas that we all have at the beginning of a new year. It is the recognition that my new year can start at any time, and move forward 365 days and conclude. But most importantly, it means that significance can change every day. Focus can change, life can be adapted, creativity can go where it darn well pleases, thank you very much. I saw two of my dear sister friends this weekend, each of who has their own creative spark (all of my friends are talented). I also took a trip to Iowa for a quick overnight stay at Phil's home in Iowa. My friend Marie observed yesterday that we are at the best places of our lives, we can follow our bliss, follow our hearts and enjoy the ride. I tend to agree. Seeing my son and his creative energy on Friday, time with friends and my love, seeing my daughter and her husband and family later today.....yes, this is my bliss. Adding pursuit of my creativity makes a significant package. So while I sit in this little country house in Iowa, waiting for my love to awaken from his slumber, I am able to formulate my creative plans for this year and write the first chapter of my significance for 2012. Life is great. Stay tuned, great things are happening all around me!

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